Monday, 5 August 2019


Fire? Yes, fire.

Every year, in the summer, we have many fires in our country. Not just little ones, big ones with the number of firemen up in the 500, 200 wagons and 4-8 planes.

We are avid sailors and we were on our lake last Sunday as well. When we were near the place where the planes take in water, we took in the sails and started the motor to be more manouvrable and a bit more speed to get out of the way of their heroic job.  It is a spectacle to see how those planes go down, the thundering noise of the engines and the grace of lifting off into the sky and on to their destination to lighten their water load onto the fire.

Now, my question, disbelieve, outrage is this:
Why, if you know these planes are taking water to save human lives, to preserve the land and the pilots are risking their lives in the process, then why are jet-skiers in the line of water intake? Why do motorboat owners race  next to the plane to show off what their boat can do? Why are swimmers going into the water and swimming far into the lake.......
I can go on and on but I'll safe you my wrath about those kind of people.

Can you read, hear my fury?????

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